Hire a Copywriter P2 Full Size

In Hiring a Copywriter Part 1: Trust Us, You Need One, we laid out some of the reasons you should consider hiring a copywriter. You were totally convinced, right? And now you need to know how to find the best copywriter out there. Well, don’t bother. You don’t need the best copywriter out there. You need the best copywriter out there for you.

There are several thousand brilliant copywriters all over the world. Many of them could do the work you need done, but it’s up to you to make sure you get the copywriter with the skillset you need. So it could be helpful to keep just a few things in mind when trying to hire a copywriter who is absolutely perfect for your business.


Understand and define your requirements

A mistake that a majority of businesses make when hiring a copywriter is that they try and hire somebody who can handle everything. This is because, too often, businesses themselves don’t know—or haven’t given serious consideration to—what kind of help they are seeking from a copywriter.

The first step to finding a good copywriter is to comprehend what you really need to get written. Almost all copywriters can manage to write “everything-cart” emails, product copies etc. However, if you are aware that you need maximum help in writing blog posts for a certain industry, then you have to ensure that you look for a copywriter who specializes in writing blogs in that industry.

Conversely, maybe you need a copywriter who actually can write everything well but who isn’t a master in a specific industry or style. That is perfectly acceptable if that is your need. The point is, know your needs and communicate them in the job description, interview, etc.


Determine their place in your world

Once you are clear about the various areas where you require copy, you can think about the various types of copywriters you need to hire. For a single project, you could consider hiring a contract writer or a freelancer. If a project seems like it could come up multiple times in the future or become a full-time working project, then it is best to look for a full-time writer on a retainer or as an employee.


Don’t look for an SEO expert

It’s preferable to hire a good copywriter who has some knowledge about SEO rather than employing someone who claims to be a professional SEO writer. SEO knowledge is important but copywriters no longer need to be SEO experts. Those days are gone. In fact, companies today don’t need to worry as much about SEO because if certain keywords need to be added to product descriptions, a list of keywords can be handed over to the copywriter to incorporate in the writing wherever possible. It’s important for the copywriter to be creative to incorporate the keywords so that they contribute to the conversation rather than stand out from it, and this is a specialty of any good copywriter.


Don’t forget their strongest asset

The best copywriters do more than write words. They tell stories. This means they are masters at conceptual development and can take your projects from being words on a page to being a point of engagement with your target audience. Look for this all-important skill that wins customers, wins respect, and wins awards. You’ll never look back after putting a storyteller on your team.

But let’s get serious, folks. If you need a copywriter, you know where to turn.

That’s it for this week. Check back next week for the latest Bugle!