No one knows your business better than you, right? So why should you have to hire a writer to ask you a bunch of questions and write what you were going to write anyway? Simply put, a good copywriter knows the ins and outs of ad, web, and promotional copy better than you. They also have a unique talent for bringing a brand together and giving your customers that “AH-HA!” moment they desire. Another good reason: you’re just too darn busy.


Crying CopywriterAn Outsiders Perspective

As a professional copywriter, I’ve found that the key to writing the best copy for a client is to sit back and listen. More often than not, a client will make an offhand remark or say something in passing that I recognize as the “it” point-of-view that will resonate with their customers and move them to action. These gems uncover themselves when clients relax and aren’t overthinking what they’re saying. In these instances, they aren’t trying to sell me their business, they’re just talking about it. Often, clients are so close to their products and services that when they write about it themselves, they miss the point, and what the customer needs to hear, entirely.



Many people can write so they believe they should be writing their own copy. But can you convert? Writing conversion copy not only grabs the attention of your consumer but it converts them from a shopper to a customer. This is what copywriters aspire to in all of their work. Writing conversion copy is as much a science as an art. The best sell is one where people don’t know they’re being sold to and writing in that style takes skill. You owe it to yourself to at least consult a copywriter if your calls to action aren’t giving you the returns you expect.


Your Timelines Will Accelerate

When so many priorities are coming at you at once, it’s usually the copy that will keep getting put off or done poorly, resulting in delayed or ineffective messages. Having a trusted copywriter not only frees up your time but it allows the whole process of message production to move at faster speeds. If time is money, copywriters are your money tree…except of course you have to pay them.


Your Business Needs Your Energy Elsewhere

Writing effective copy is going to take a lot of brainpower and you’re going to have to take into consideration each and every message you’re sending out to make sure your medium can carry what you want to say. This is going to take a lot of time. Doesn’t the business you’ve put your heart and soul into need you in more important places like business development, team building, and strategy? Copywriting is definitely the thing you can outsource to free up your schedule and let another brain work for you. You can always edit what copy comes to you from a copywriter, but you can’t reclaim opportunities that passed you by while you were trying to do everything.


So now that you’re totally and 100% convinced you need a copywriter, join us here next week for tips on selecting that perfect fit for your project or team.